Interview with a witness of the Chinese Concentrated Camp:

Erkin Azat
5 min readMar 4, 2019


Gulsimkhan Bazarbek: “This is not a school of education, this is a real prison”

Appeal to the World Health Organization, the International Red Cross, the Red Crescent, medical organizations and other humanitarian funds. Dear members and the leadership of the above organizations, I, Erkin Azat, conducting this test and in a face-to-face personal interview, found out several issues that need to be resolved immediately:

1. Having freed themselves from the Chinese concentration camp or from house arrest, the state of health of the witnesses who have returned to Kazakhstan is bad as well as the illness at the acute stage. For example: there are also signs of acute illness like: memory loss, loss of sexual ability, heart disease, kidney failure. Due to the lack of a psychologist, many witnesses show signs of mood swings, isolation, and acute depression. Due to the poor financial condition of their families and the inconvenient location, they cannot undergo a medical examination, buy medicine, those who are ill are just waiting for the exacerbation of the disease.

2. Due to the arrest of many relatives of Kazakhstanis in China, house arrest cannot return to Kazakhstan. In this regard, relatives in Kazakhstan for many years have been subjected to spiritual torment and illness. Many people in age due to worries about relatives worsened illness. Some people injured themselves in a grave mental state, even some committed suicide.

Due to feelings for relatives in China, relatives in Kazakhstan could not concentrate on work and study, income and academic performance deteriorated.

I, Erkin Azat, want to convey to the information that if the International Medical Group fails to take action in a timely manner, it will not lead to anything good. I really hope that you pay attention to what is happening and take urgent measures.

Erkin Azat: can you introduce yourself and tell about what happened?

Gulsimkhan: My name is Gulsimkhan Bazarbek, 05/10/1940, I am 80 years old. Last time I went to China on 12/14/2017 because of the reason to register. In 2009, we switched to Kazakhstan citizenship. There I had neither land nor houses for a long time. On the 15th, when I wanted to remove the registration, we were told that we waited for them to say.

We waited until the end and on February 25, 2014, we were all gathered and taken to prison. They arrested me for having two citizenships, I was arrested in the hospital on the 13th floor. There were six people and six beds. There were 13 rooms, and there were about 78 of us.

They taught us Chinese because I’m already old I couldn’t remember a word. It was very difficult to sit and learn. Then we were forced to learn red songs, we ourselves could not sing, we sang in common. We were not allowed to go outside, we had only to sit inside.

I spent doing months starting from 02/25/2018 ~ 11/21/2018, during this period we were not touched but morally they put pressure on us. And I always thought why is this so ?! In October, they drove us to the “Ry Gon Sy Sy” camp, where we were forced to try camp food.

They took blood, did not set the injection, checked the pressure and heart. They found out pressure and heart pain, they said that I should be treated. I asked my relatives to bring me my medicines, but with the thought that they changed the pills, I did not use them.

Where we were there, they did not hit us, they did not touch us, but the prison of Turgen was near. We heard that there are very strictly looking at the prisoners. When the inspection came, the guys from Kazakhstan began to resent. They asked me why I am here.

I said that I wanted to change citizenship and because of this I got here.

I want to go back home to my sons. They brought us food from the house, each detachment had a duty officer, I only then learned that it was a prison when I saw my sons. There were bars between us, they only talked for ten minutes, I asked them to bring me medicine.

Erkin Azat: The Government of China says: “we train them professionally,” but do you think this is really vocational training?

Gulsimkhan: we did not have freedom there and this can be called a prison. In the end, when I got out of prison, two people approached me and said: “Do not say that you were released from prison. say i’m coming home.

Because there is no fault of yours. ” We were told that we would be released early tomorrow morning, and that night we did not sleep. And there were six grandmothers. Then the guards arrived and carried us old things.

After lunch we were brought. When she was in prison, she suffered from rheumatism. During this time, I learned to write only a name in Chinese.

There we sang Kazakh songs in Chinese and took into account the national anthem. I do not want to remember those days and do not want any such circumstances.

Erkin Azat: Thanks for the answers.

Gulsimhan: thank you too

